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The DBA program commences with structured coursework designed to build research competencies, followed by a research project that applies those competencies to improve business practices or develop new practices.

Year 1
Structured Coursework 

Comprises four courses, completed over four terms:

  • Research methodology and literature review
  • Case methodology and qualitative research
  • Statistical tools and techniques for research
  • Research proposal and ethics

    Learning is assessed during the course and by
    a final examination

Year 2 & 3
Research Project

Under the guided supervision of an academic, you will:

  • Undertake a large research project that significantly contributes to business practice
  • Upon completion, the thesis is sent to scholars, who are experts in the field, for examination


To fulfil the requirements of the DBA program, students must complete a total of 240 credits.










You will also get the opportunity to train and develop your cognitive and generic skills (fundamental skills, human skills, people skills, personal skills) by attending seminars, workshops and debates.



  • All of the 4 Advanced Courseworks (core subjects) must be completed in Year 1 of the program.
  • Each subject has 40 contact hours and is taught over 5 weekends (4 hours per day).
  • Students are given a week to prepare for an exam and a week’s break after the exam. It is, thereby, estimated that a course can be completed within 2 months.
  • These courses are not inter-dependent and are offered on a rolling basis.



Duration: 3 to 5 Years

The program can be completed in three to five years full-time, or part-time in an equivalent period.

Format: Study Online or On Campus in Sydney

Scholars have the flexibility to choose to study online or at our campus in Sydney.

To fulfil the requirements of the DBA program, scholars must complete a total of 240 credits.
Units     Credits
Advanced Coursework (4 subjects)     80
Thesis Work     160
Training and development of cognitive and generic skills
(fundamental skills, human skills, people skills, personal skills)
    Seminars, workshops, debates
TOTAL     240


  • The first year offers structured coursework assessed by examinations to prepare scholars to undertake a research project.
  • The coursework component comprises four subjects:

    • Research Methodology and Literature Review (20 credits)
    • Statistical Tools and Techniques for Research (20 credits)
    • Case Methodology and Qualitative Research (20 credits)
    • Research Proposal and Ethics (20 credits)
  • All the four subjects must be completed in Year 1 of the program.
  • Each subject has 40 contact hours and is taught over 5 weekends (4 hours per day). Scholars are given a week to prepare for an exam and a week’s break after the exam. It is, thereby, estimated that a course can be completed within 2 months.
  • These courses are not inter-dependent and are offered on a rolling basis.
  • Competencies and research skills are built using business simulations, practical exercises, videos, audios, case studies and lively discussions that draw on scholars’ prior work experiences.
  • Learning is continually assessed during the coursework and by a final examination.
  • After completing the Advanced Coursework of 80 credits, a scholar will be able to register for the DBA Thesis Work indicating their area and topic of research.


  • Over the next two years, scholars will undertake a research project with practical significance, under the guided supervision of qualified academicians, which will aim to add to or improve current business practices.
  • Research can be undertaken anywhere in the world with the approval of the School.
  • Upon completion, the thesis is sent to external faculty, who are experts in the field, for examination.


  • Phase 1: Pilot Study (6 months)
  • Phase 2: Main Study (12 months)
  • Phase 3: Validation Study (3 months)
  • Phase 4: Declaration of Results (3 months)

    To learn more about the goals and outcomes of each phase, please refer to the Student Handbook.



To learn more about the Advanced Coursework Examinations and the Thesis Examination, please refer to the student handbook.