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Ways to achieve effective digital leadership – Dr Karippur Nanda Kumar writes in Higher Education Digest


Increasing awareness of digital transformation across Asia is putting a spotlight on how organisations think of leadership and related key practices. Dr Karippur Nanda Kumar (Professor & Area Head, Information Technology, SP Jain School of Global Management) shares his insights in the Higher Education Digest, a leading educational portal.

Ways to achieve effective digital leadership

In the article, he talks about how the pace of transition to the new digital organisation has accelerated especially in this COVID-19 pandemic era.

“Given the constantly evolving nature of digital technologies, digital transformation cannot be a one-time investment and initiative. Digital transformation requires leaders to develop a digital transformation roadmap, make decisions to invest early in digital technologies, and initiate organisation-wide changes that pose significant challenges and uncertainties.”

Dr Kumar further writes, “Business schools should accelerate collaborations with industry to align the curriculum, especially in the areas such as digital leadership, customer experience design, and business model innovation, and undertake more internships and digital transformation projects.”

To read the full article, please click here.



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